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Contango Ore Inc

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April 9, 2024 at 3:30 PM (CEST)|Park Hyatt Zürich

Rick Van Nieuwenhuyse

President, CEO, and Director

Rick has more than 40 years of experience in the natural resource sector. Before joining Contango Ore in January 2020, he was President and Chief Executive Officer of Trilogy Metals, who are currently developing the high- grade Upper Kobuk Mineral Projects located in the Ambler Mining District of Alaska. Trilogy is a company which was created in 2012 as a spin-out from NOVAGOLD, a well-known company he founded over 20 years ago. NOVAGOLD is currently finalizing permits for the 40 million ounce Donlin Gold Project in Southwest Alaska with partner Barrick Gold, the world’s largest gold company. Previous to his role as Founder, President, and CEO of NOVAGOLD, he held the position of Vice President of Exploration for Placer Dome Inc. from 1990 to 1997. In addition to his international exploration perspective, Rick brings years of working experience in and knowledge of Alaska to Contango. Rick has managed projects from grassroots discovery through to advanced feasibility, production and closure. Rick has played a key role in setting up several other corporate entities including: Alexco - where he remains a Director which is rejuvenating the Keno Hill Silver district in the Yukon; Tintina Resource (now Sandfire Resources America) which discovered and is now completing a feasibility and permitting the high grade Black Butte copper project in Montana; and SolidusGold where he is Chairman. Rick holds a Candidature degree in Science from the Université de Louvain, Belgium, and a Master of Science degree in Geology from the University of Arizona. He received the Thayer Lindsley award in 2009 for his role in the Donlin Gold discovery and the Colin Spence Award in 2016 for his role in the Bornite Discovery.


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