Markets, Money, Metals, and Mines

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April 9, 2024 at 4:30 PM (CEST)|Park Hyatt Zürich

Alasdair Macleod

Head of Research

Alasdair has been a celebrated stockbroker and Member of the London Stock Exchange for over four decades. His experience encompasses equity and bond markets, fund management, corporate finance and investment strategy.

Alasdair commenced his career on the London Stock Exchange as a stockbroker in 1970, becoming senior partner of his firm in 1979. Subsequently, he became an executive director in a mutual fund management company. He returned to stockbroking full time in 1984 during the City’s Big Bang. In 1997 he moved to Guernsey, where he was commissioned as a consultant to a number of offshore companies in the Island’s finance industry. He became an executive director of an offshore bank, Ansbacher (CI) Ltd, with responsibility for fund management activities in both Guernsey and Jersey.

In 2011, Alasdair was pleased to join Goldmoney as Head of Research, since when he has written a weekly column on economics, finance, precious metals, and geopolitics. He is a frequent guest on podcasts, radio, TV, and as a conference speaker.

Garrett Goggin

Analyst, Golden Portfolio

Mr. Garrett D. Goggin has served as GSA Associate Editor since 2010. He began his financial career on the floor of the NYSE market working for a local brokerage as a clerk where he learned how investment transactions are processed. As Mr. Goggin saw much of the order flow was moving off-floor he joined a derivative arbitrage group in the United Kingdom and Ireland during the advent of electronic trading and the rise of the Eurex. Mr. Goggin next set up Vox Capital Investment Advisor in order to protect client assets from an overleveraged economy with a focus on alternative asset classes. Garrett acted as equity portfolio manager of the Babson College Fund as well as served as president of the Babson Investment Managers Association during his time as MBA student. Garrett is a CFA Charterholder (Chartered Financial Analyst) and a CMT (Certified Market Technician). He serves on the board of the CFA society of South Florida as treasurer. Mr. Goggin holds MS and MBA business degrees in Finance from Babson College.

Lord Ashbourne

Director of Content, Mining, Edison Group

Charlie graduated from the University of Oxford as a chemist, joining Cazenove in the early 1990s. After brief stints working in pharmaceuticals and oils he settled down as Cazenove’s mining analyst, spending three years in Johannesburg, among other places. He moved to T Hoare Canaccord in 1999 as a specialist mining salesman and also worked for two years as Cluff Mining’s mineral economist, responsible for global target asset valuations. In 2003 he moved to New York, where he developed and marketed a ‘black box’ model for valuing large-cap equities, before returning to join Edison in 2007. He has extensive media experience, having written for MoneyWeek, The Business, Shares, Investors Chronicle and The Evening Standard (among others), presented on LBC and been a guest on BBC One and BBC World.


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